There is a travel fee for work preformed in person. $50. / 100 miles
Ghost Removal Long Distance*
Removal of Deceased Alien Beings Long Distance Only*
Possession Removal
Someone you know or you have a sudden change in personality?
Removal of a discarnate soul or spirit from one's body. Done long distance only.*
Attachment Removal
Unexplained ailments? Can be done long distance.*
Removal of Nature Spirits
I will tell you how to simply move them out of your house.
Curses Explored / Removed
We help you find out. Through various methods we help remove it.
For all classes no children under twelve and no animals.
Metaphysical Course / Classes
We teach a six class course of metaphysics over a weekend with lunch provided.
The classes are:
1. Spiritual Helpers
2. Tools and Methods
3. Power and Energy
4. Past, Current and Future Lives
5. Ghosts
6. Basic Shamanism.
$55. Couples $70.
Some of the classes can be taught separately. I will post when the course or a class is offered on the news page if room is available.
If you would like to take the course or a class please contact me.
Reiki One Class
The class is limited to six people. If you are interested or have questions please contact me. The manuals will be issued upon payment at which time reading assignments will be given. We give the traditional attunements. Lunch is provided. $75.
Reiki Two Class
The information for the class is the same as for the Reiki One class. Please contact me if you are interested. $125.
Past Life Exploration
Various Methods $50.
Laurie makes jewelry and does stone work.
Soul Retrieval
Had a trauma? This may help. Can be done long distance.* $50.
Extraction Healing
Removal of body produced objects. Kidney stones, tumors, etc. Can be done long distance.*
Spirit Extraction Healing
The removal of a spirit of illness or disease from the body. Works well on viruses. Has worked on long term covid, shingles, lupus, ring worm and some pneumonia. Also may work on non-essential bacteria.
Done long distance only.*
Healing by a Helping Spirit
This is a healing by a helping compassionate spirit. Can be done long distance in which I journey along.*
Journey on Behalf of Someone
A journey that looks for answers or causes of problems physical or otherwise for someone else. $25.
Egg Cleansing
The use of an egg to draw out unwanted energy from the body. $25.
Chakra Balancing
This helps to bring the chakras to an even level of functioning and to open the flow of energy throughout the body. Can be done long distance.*
Reiki / Energy Healing
We are trained in Reiki and other energy healing modalities.
Treatment Per Half Hour
Can be done long distance.* $35.
Many applications, works well for:
Past Life Regression
Panic Attacks
Per Half Hour $50.
We have had unusual experiences and are willing to help others with theirs.
In person or phone. Per Half Hour $25.
*For methods indicated as able to be done long distance I do by journeying. A type of shamanic technique which allows the soul to travel, done usually while the client is asleep when they are more relaxed and receptive. There is a limit of FOUR journeys per day.
I have had some friends die of cancer. I only wish I could do something about it. Unfortunately cancer seems to be beyond our abilities at this time.
All of these modalities have worked or partially worked for some people. Not everyone being the same they may or may not work for you. These methods will NOT harm you.
If you can't afford our prices please contact us for other arrangements. We turn away no reasonable person.
There are those who like to appoint themselves as cultural or moral police. I agree with being against someone who uses methods of other cultures and claims them as their own. Some of the methods that we use may be similar to those of other cultures. In some cases those methods are now being shared by generous members of the cultures to help others.
We have taken a few classes. But most of what we do has come from extensive reading, information gained from our helping spirits and past life recall. When someone with a new problem has come to us, I will receive images of what to do from the spirits or just know what to do.
Before organized religion every culture had healers and medicine people. Be they wise women or men, herbalists or shamans that would help the ill. This included white Europeans. I was a member of many cultures in past lives. Am I to block that knowledge now that this time I'm in a different culture? If a person comes to us I will use whatever I can to help them.
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